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I am Yinwei.

Forever a student of the human mind.  

So glad to e-meet you! :-)

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About Investing

  • Family Office: I manage the alternative investment side of Xiaoping Xu's family office. 

  • Early-stage investing: I am a Venture partner at Pier Venture and have personally invested in Zerion

  • Public stock investing: Since 2020, I have applied the mindset and methodology I developed in the primary market to invest in the public stock market. 

About Pipa

Pips is the traditional Chinese lute. From 2003 to 2014, I studied Pipa at the Dunhuang Arts Theater under the Pipa master Yi Liu.


Click                                          to enjoy my Pipa's beautiful voice :)

In 2015, I took Pipa with me when I exchanged in Arizona during my senior year of high school. It was funny indeed to explain to at least eight customs officers about how harmless and risk-free my Pipa is when passing through security checks. I introduced Pipa to my teachers and international friends, and volunteered to play Pipa in our homecoming event. The beautiful melodies as well as special rhythms of the ancient Chinese music brought continuous applause from the audience.

While attending college at Minerva University, I took my Pipa to San Francisco, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Seoul, Hyderabad and Hong Kong. I enjoyed introducing and teaching Pipe to people all over the world


Pipa has been my best shelter from homesickness and the pressures of adapting to my new environment. It enriched my life and made me more connected to the world. Through Pipa, I understand the importance of precision when producing harmonious melodies. I understand the need for a peaceful mind from which I clear all my distracting thoughts to be committed to my pursuit. 

About My Failed Startup

I am obsessed with healthy food. In 2018, I launched my startup RealFood, a healthy snack brand. 

I tried various ways to keep costs down, but had to cease RealFood  in August 2019. I learned that startups should launch an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and iterate to find the Product-Market Fit.  Read more about my analysis of MVP here

So, what about you?
Looking forward to hearing your story!


So glad to e-meet you! 😊


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